Mike Morder's D&D d20

Spell Check Rolls
Magic Rings
All spells together
Spell Spells
Origamimon - Magical Construct
New Melee Weapon Special Ability
Shades of Color
Frorr's Potions and Powder
Rules for Sleeping and Dreaming
Dream Master Prestige Class
Yet More Spells (updated)!
More Spells
Spell Check Rolls
Dmg. Tracking (Better)
Hit Location Chart
Decomposition of Body after Death
Damage Tracking Page

Spell Check


These are rolled every time spell casters casts a spell.   If successful, the spell is cast.   There is no limit as to how many times a certain spell may be cast.    Every time a spell is cast, caster loses 1 Spell Endurance Point per Spell Level of the spell cast.    SEP are explained later.


Spell Check Base DC:   15 +  Spell Level



Spell Check Roll Adj.: 


                + Level /2 + Prime Stat Bonus + Practice Points + Verbal + Somatic + Action



Prime Stat:           A different stat bonus applies for the various spell casting classes…


Wis.        Clerics, Druids, Rangers, Paladins

                                Cha.        Sorcerers, Bards

                                Int.          Wizards



Verbal Roll Adj.:           Somatic Roll Adj.:                       Action Adj.:


Booming                +2         Dramatic                 +2                      Prior Deep Breath                +1

Firm                      +1         Exaggerated            +1                       Per Con Bonus HP Dmg.     -1

Normal                0         Normal                0                        Walking                        -2

Soft                        -1         Subtle                     -1                       Running                            -4

Whisper                 -2          None                      -2                        Pushed                              -4

None                     -4          Other Task              -4                        Knocked Down                   -8

Other Words          -8


If a spell doesn’t have Verbal or Somatic Components, these adjustments don’t apply for that particular spell.


Practice Points (PP):


Each Spell has its own PP number.


Roll DC 15 per week of practice.


Roll Adj.:    +1 per hour per day spent


If successful PP = PP + 1 for that spell only.


Spell Endurance Points (SEP):


Casting spells is a somewhat strenuous task and it takes its toll on a spell caster.    Each Caster has SEP equal to their Constitution Score X their Spell Casting Level.    A first level Wizard with a Con of 11 has a SEP of 11.  At second level this would increase to 22 (11 X 2).


Each time a spell caster casts a spell, subtract the spell level from the SEP.    If the SEP equals zero, the spell caster is fatigued and must rest or risk becoming exhausted.   At this time, any additional spell levels go against the hit points of the spell caster.   SEP are regained at a rate equal to the Constitution score of the character per hour of complete rest.    To find SEP per minute, divide 60 minutes by the Con. Score.

This is untested concept!


Mike Morder's D&D d20 page